"Nor have I seen a mightier man-at-arms on this earth than the one standing here: unless I am mistaken, he is truly noble. This is no mere hanger-on in a hero's armour."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Grendel Is A Parody of Beowulf

Grendel is a parody of Beowulf. After the reader reads both Beowulf and Grendel they can come to a conclusion that they give you two total different viewpoints on issues that happened in each story, including the events that were the same. In Grendel it shows the world in a philosophical way, where Grendel examines everything and tries to seek out his purpose in the world. In Beowulf, it shows the world as a very peaceful and don’t want poor Grendel, the people want him destroyed and continue to try until he is finally slain. If the readers are to read Beowulf first they will share the very same opinions of the people living in the town of Herot and think that he needs to be killed but after the same audience is to read Grendel they will have pity on poor Grendel finally understanding what background he is coming from and that he just wants to be accepted. In Grendel you learn Grendel’s entire history from the days when he was a little kid realizing that he has been totally isolated not even knowing his family except for his mother. These two stories majorly contrast showing a somewhat biased opinion on Grendel and his lifestyle. Even Grendel’s death in both stories has contrasted. In Beowulf, Grendel was horribly slain and the people couldn’t do anything but rejoice. On the other hand, in Grendel, Grendel was said to be released from pain of his isolation and isolation from the world, he finally feels apart of society through his death. Grendel is definitely a mocking of the story Beowulf because they have two different stories through the same events.

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