"Nor have I seen a mightier man-at-arms on this earth than the one standing here: unless I am mistaken, he is truly noble. This is no mere hanger-on in a hero's armour."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Grendel: Based From Epic Poem Beowulf

Grendel is based from the epic poem Beowulf, meta-fiction, which is about a man who became a hero to a town called Herot which is also the place where Grendel dwells and hunts down the lives of men. Grendel is an extremely ugly, and evil monster who hunts down the town Herot for twelve years. Grendel is totally opposed the story Beowulf. In Beowulf Grendel comes across as a horrible villain that only seems to care about himself and not mankind, in Grendel he takes the time to observe the life and ways of humans and later expressing his inner thoughts with the audience throughout the entire book. Beowulf is set in a world governed a moral code, and in Grendel it is full beauty, heroism, and patriotism. Basically all in all Grendel was portrayed to the audience in two very different lights in each epic story. Even though, he still turned out to be the villain in each story there was a different process to approaching it. Grendel had more of a background story so the audience could have their own opinion about this, so called monster, and Beowulf just put Grendel’s name into it without truly describing his backdrop except for the details about his horrible living conditions, also known as his lair, where he and his mother dwelled.

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