"Nor have I seen a mightier man-at-arms on this earth than the one standing here: unless I am mistaken, he is truly noble. This is no mere hanger-on in a hero's armour."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Beowulf's Values

Beowulf reveals the values of heroism, bravery, loyalty, and friendship. Beowulf is the hero of the epic slaying three very important people/things. He fights Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon that guards the treasure. When conquering the dragon it represented a besieged community facing evil forces that lurk in the cold darkness. Grendel also lurks in the darkness at night and is a threatening force to the people of Herot. Beowulf comes to Herot and they give him praise because of his bravery and heroic abilities to save people he didn’t even know. He was loyal to himself and the people he promised that he would kill Grendel; he possesses superior physical strength and supremely ethical standards. People in the town of Herot were in need of a rescuer and when Beowulf came along they couldn’t praise him enough, which lead later to him being king.

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